Spring has Sprung on campus! And what better way to celebrate than to take some lab pics!
Enjoying the beautiful weather together!
Visiting our campus's very own dairy store for some refreshing ice cream on a hot day!
Lab pictures!
Hanson Labs, home of the Talaat lab - find us on the third floor!
Last day with the newly minted Dr. Shaswath Sekar in the lab! We'll miss you!
Congratulations on a successful dissertation defense! Now for some cake!
Dr. Talaat and Dr. Shaswath Sekar
Happy Birthday Emma!
Cake, companionship, and a whole lotta lab meeting!
Happy Birthday Rachel!
Hassanein Presents an article for monthly journal club.
The Lab gathered for weekly lab meeting.
Happy Birthday Boss!
Going away party for long-time lab member, Chia-wei in fall 2021.
The Talaat Lab dances at Mariah's wedding!
Lab members working on the Johne's Disease Project in Summer 2021.
Lab Lunch at Blue Moon in 2019.
Mostafa Presents at CRWAD in Chicago in 2018.
Celebrating the opening of the new lab in 2018!
The PI, Dr. Adel Saudi, of 2017 visiting scholar, Zeinab, visits Hanson.